Archive for the 'Interview Series' Category

Interview Series: Michelle Didion 26Apr07

A well-deserved high five
After multiple knee surgeries, Michelle was told she’d never run again. She endured chronic knee pain most of her adult life and left running behind. But her spark could not be quenched. Five years ago she dug her shoes out of the moth balls.

Now she is quite literally a running machine. In the middle of what can only be called the great surge of aught seven, she’s collecting PRs like they’re going out of style, logging 100 mile weeks, and racing up Chicago’s Sears Tower. Seriously.

Oh yeah, and she just won the Knoxville marathon.

Michelle is a blood n’ guts runner. If you’re racing her, and the drive to the finish becomes a contest of wills… you are doomed.

(After you read, come back here to add your comments.)

– Dean
White Space