Cathartic Snow Cones
In my never-ending quest to win SOMETHING associated with the North Pole Marathon, I’ve taken up winner Bobby Bostic’s side contest. He seeks ideas for the creative use of PowerBar products at the Pole. The winner gets a whole bunch of PowerBar stuff.
I suggested that Bobby make colorful, festive snow cones for all racers using the PowerBar Beverage System. It’s like tasty SWAG. Everyone likes SWAG.
Anyway, I made the final five. Now the vote is up to the public. You can vote for my idea over at, but you have to go through the bother of registering. That just seems like a big fuss. Heck, I think YOU ARE MIGHTY just for visiting my little corner of the blogoverse.
– Dean
March 13th, 2007 at 9:56 am
I always thought how cool it would be to have a slushy or snow cone when running. Until, that is, I actually had one! 🙂
I ran a 28.4 mile trail ultra two months ago and the thermometer read exactly ZERO degrees Fahrenheit at the start. Since it was fairly windy, the wind chill was MINUS SIXTEEN. brrrr….
Seven miles into the run my bottle of Gatorade was a perfect slushy. Ten miles in it was frozen solid, so I spent the last 18 miles melting snow in my mouth for hydration. I had some gels in my waistpack, but they were frozen SOLID and completely inedible. Fortunately I also had a couple small sleeves of trail mix that I could eat.
So, as much as I love ya Dean-O, I think a better idea would be something along the lines of “Steaming Hot Mocha PowerBar Latte” or, perhaps, microwaved (warm) PowerBars for inserting in your gloves and running tights. Anything except a cold drink at the North Pole!!!
March 13th, 2007 at 10:02 am
I was going to suggest that they partake of the snow cones while wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts. But I sense you might not approve.
regardless kestrou, YOU ARE MIGHTY!
March 15th, 2007 at 4:40 pm
Surely there is a chocolate flavored Power Bar. Get some graham crackers & marshmallows and have a Power Bar Smores.