I Love My Backyard. 13Apr08

The Harbison Forest50k was held today in my backyard… literally.

I live on the edge of Harbison State Forest, the self-proclaimed largest urban green space in the Southeast. Those of you from actual Metropolitan areas may find the designation quaint. But call it whatever you want. I can roll out of bed and run miles and miles of beautiful and varied trails. I find it difficult to believe that I lived here for half a decade as a non-runner. Wasted years.

The race today was the first of the South Carolina Ultra Trail Series. It was held so close to my house, that with creative re-routing, I could have manned an aid station on my front porch.

Alas, I didn’t run.

I’ve run back-to-back marathon/ultras before, but I’ve got Boston in eight days. What if I twisted an ankle or broke a nail? So I volunteered for the race today and had a marvelous time. I cheered runners, offered help and directions and generally witnessed others’ suffering while I lollygagged in relative comfort and ease.

What will the Maniacs think of me now?

– Dean

If you ran the race, or just want to see people running in my backyard, view and download my photos at Flickr. They’re not too shabby.